Meeting Facilitation

Do you find the meetings in your organization don’t generate the results everyone needs?

Few people are trained in the art and science of meeting design and facilitation. We have 20 years of experience doing just that.

Corporate Adventure® helps you learn to plan and lead productive meetings. By working with us, you will learn to:

  • Define compelling outcomes for each meeting, or cancel it
  • Structure meeting agendas to generate high participation, rich learning, and substantive results
  • Facilitate meetings to bring out the best from everyone present
  • Design the substance, structure, and style of leaders’ messages to engage stakeholders during and after the meeting

For meetings in which leaders want to participate rather than lead, we will facilitate. We’ve helped design and lead highly successful three-day meetings for up to 250 international participants.

If you want your people facilitating meetings, we train and coach them to engage others, manage group dynamics, and deliver results.

If you have a large meeting with critical issues to address and you want to gather candid input and create strong solutions that have broad support, we use electronic meeting software. Council software from Covision enables highly interactive problem solving and change management meetings for even very large meetings. It increases participation, honesty, speed of problem solving, and spirit. Council also enables you to hold highly interactive virtual meetings and achieve outstanding results.

Call us to discuss your meeting design and facilitation needs and goals. We’ll explore how we can support your achieving your immediate and longer term goals. Email or Request Info